Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Fun Survey About Me! (I mean, narcissism is the point of blogging, right?)

A Fun Survey, Since I Don't Really Know What to Post About

1. If you could change one thing about your past, without it changing every other aspect of your life, what would it be?
Without a doubt, I would change the retardedness of my credit card habit in college. I dug myself into a deep hole that I will be clawing my way out of for many years. I think I would have better opportunities I would have if I wasn't so stupid in those years- like owning a home, etc. Lesson learned.

2. Are you happy with where you are in life, at this time?
Absolutely! I would change a thing, with one exception (see Question #1).

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, without cost being a deciding factor, where would you go?
Tahiti, and I would rent one of those private over-the-water bungalows. It would be so romantic to have Nick there with me, but I also covet my alone time and would also enjoy just spening a couple weeks by myself, reflecting, reading, and relaxing.

4. Do you get along better with the same sex, or the opposite sex?
I get along with people regardless of their gender. Some people I am incompatible with, women and men. And I am SO SICK of women saying things like "I just don't get along with other women. We're so catty," blah blah blah. That paradigm is an example of a sexist society that advocates women working against each other because the idea of us subordinates uniting is just too scary. Whatever, dude. I believe in the sisterhood.

5. Are you the type of person who prefers one or two close friends, or lots of acquaintances?
I have a few close girlfriends, and my best friend and partner in crime is Nick, who is my greatest champion and the person that kicks my ass into being the best person I am capable of being. I also have several acquaintances, and that's great too :)

6. Are you still friends with anyone you went to school with?

Not really. I didn't identify with a lot of the kids I went to high school with. Those were difficult years for me.

7. Are you a home body, or a social butterfly?
Again.... both :) Most of my days off I like hanging out with Nick at home, making yummy dinners and stuff. Once every couple weeks or so I like to go out and have a few beers with friends, or get a big group of friends and our dogs together for long hikes up in the canyons, or get a group together for dinner. I think it's important to diversify!

7. What do you enjoy doing on the weekends?
See above! I also try to get to church on Sundays.

8. If you had to be on a reality show, which of your friends would you take with you?
Definitely my best girlfriend Megan. We have been through so much together (we were roommates in college) and sometimes we fight like sisters, because that's really what we are, but no one makes me laugh or loves me for the crazy person that I am like she does (except maybe Nick :)

9. Beer, wine, or liquor?
I'm a beer girl, but I do enjoy a glass of red with dinner occasionally

10. What is your relationship status?
Living with the coolest guy in the universe

11. Are you happy with your current relationship (or lack thereof)?
Wouldn't change a thing.

12. What is your idea of a perfect date?
Dinner in a cute little restaurant in Pacentro, Italy (where my family is from; I visited all 1,000 of my cousins there this past July) with Nick, and then a stroll through the countryside... ahh, so romantic!

13. If you could have a date with any celebrity, who would it be and what would you do?
George Clooney, and the agenda is X-rated.

-14. Do you think you can love someone, without trusting them?
Oh, time for the high school questions! Um, duh?

15. Do you believe it is possible to be in love with someone you've never actually spent time with?
Duh again

16. Do you believe in soul mates?
Yes, but I think if you are lucky you are blessed with more than one. And I don't think a soul mate necessarily has to be romantic.

17 If you do believe in soul mates, have you found yours?
I think I was definitely destined for the person I am with.

18. Which is more intimate, in your opinion... Cuddling or Intercourse?
Nice question! Whatever!

19. If your partner was unable to have sex due to illness or injury, would you stay with them?
I wouldn't leave him as long as he was alive

20. Are you happy with your current career/job?
I love my job (I'm a Labor and Delivery nurse), and I am going back to school to get my Master's degree in the fall. I'm gonna be a midwife!

21. If not, what would you rather be doing?
I always thought it would be cool to be an actor or a musician. I'm not particularly talented in the arts and always wish I was. I think it would be interesting to be famous, but I don't think I would enjoy it for long. I would be one of those people that does one great movie or record and then sucks after that so people would leave me alone. Ha!

22. Which is more important, your career, or your family (assuming you are married with children)?
Family is the most important thing!

23. If you answered family to the above question, would your family agree that they are most important?

24. How many hours a week do you work, on average?
Usually around 36, sometimes more, rarely less

25. Did you choose your current career path for money or enjoyment?
I went into it because I was interested in it, and it's not like I have a trust fund to live off of or anything, so, there ya go I guess

26. If you could have ANY job, what would your top three career choices be?
Midwife (hey! I'm going to do that! I'm actively making my dreams come true!)

at-home mom, of the hippie organic-gardening, sweater-knitting type


27. What's your biggest strength, when it comes to your job?
I get people. I have a knack for interacting with my patients and they usually love me. Obnoxiousness at the nurses' station notwithstanding....

28. Your biggest weakness, or flaw?
At my worst, I am high-strung and tempermental. It's a constant challenge for me, and I'm always trying to be better

29. Do you take pride in your work, or just hurry through it as quickly as you can?
I take pride in my work and strive for efficiency!

30. What's something that few people know about you?
Sometimes doing the dishes makes me gag. In my work I am constantly around (and sometimes being splashed by!) pee, poop, puke, amniotic fluid and blood. I have gotten all kinds of gross things into my eyes, mouth, and hair, and all over my clothes too. I deal with needles on a daily basis and they don't bother me. But putting my hands into a dishful of dirty dishes is enough to make me lose it!


Erika said...

Hey girl! I didn't know you were a blogger. And I didn't know you were going back to school in the fall- good for you! See how handy these surveys are- I learn so much about you. I feel kinda out of the loop being home now, but I'm excited to see your cute face in May!