Monday, October 27, 2008

Funny Things I have Said to Patients in Spanish

I was an exchange student in Spain when I was 18.  I learned to speak Spanish pretty well, but it's been almost 14 years.  I do still speak Spanish a few times a week, either at work as a nurse or as a student in clinic.... but I sometimes make mistakes.  And like everything I do, these mistakes are made with love and the best intentions.  Luckily my patients just laugh at me and thank me for trying  :)  

To a patient at the beginning of my shift:  "Hi!  I'm Caitlin!  I'll be your disease today!" 

To a patient as I was teaching her a breast self-exam:  "If you feel a pork rind in your breast, call us right away."

To a patient after a c-section, who was getting ready to go home:  "Don't shit more than 10 pounds at a time."

To a patient that had just gotten an epidural:  "Do you feel dead yet?"

To a patient that needed a phone book:  "There should be one in your ball."