Monday, October 27, 2008

Funny Things I have Said to Patients in Spanish

I was an exchange student in Spain when I was 18.  I learned to speak Spanish pretty well, but it's been almost 14 years.  I do still speak Spanish a few times a week, either at work as a nurse or as a student in clinic.... but I sometimes make mistakes.  And like everything I do, these mistakes are made with love and the best intentions.  Luckily my patients just laugh at me and thank me for trying  :)  

To a patient at the beginning of my shift:  "Hi!  I'm Caitlin!  I'll be your disease today!" 

To a patient as I was teaching her a breast self-exam:  "If you feel a pork rind in your breast, call us right away."

To a patient after a c-section, who was getting ready to go home:  "Don't shit more than 10 pounds at a time."

To a patient that had just gotten an epidural:  "Do you feel dead yet?"

To a patient that needed a phone book:  "There should be one in your ball."


The Pond's Lily Pad said...

You crack me up girl! I'm glad I'm not the only one who flubs up to her Spanish pt's. Once when I was brand new I was asking my pt if she wanted an epidural. Instead of asking her if she wanted la raquia, I asked her if she wanted la aracnia (spider) put in her back. I assured her that she would have a painfree delivery if she got the spider put in her back. Needless to say, she went unmedicated.

Rebecca said...

Oh those are funny! My favorite is the first one! :)

Jonny and Haley said...

I loved it! You are much farther along than most of us, sad to say.

Heather-joy said...

oh thank you caitlin, you just made me laugh out loud and I'm pretty sure the rest of the nurses think I'm crazy for laughing at 0432 in the morning. Gosh I sure like you!

sea gull lighting fixtures said...

So funny!

pendant lighting said...

This post made me laugh so hard!